Red Herring Media Site

After conducting a study,Red Herring found that most advertisers and media planners were usually familiar with one Red Herring media product or publication, but not with the full range of properties available. They wanted to create a new media and advertiser-specific site where they could bring the multi-faceted nature of all of their disparate properties together under a single brand. A unique UX design solution was developed to address this problem. The Red Herring Media Site showcases the three main media platforms-magazine,web site and events at all times. When a user is interested in information related to a specific platform, the screen area allocated to that platform increases, while the othertwo platform areas shrink, but never disappear. This way, even when a media planner comes to the site to find rates for the magazine, the notion that Red Herring has other products with a similar demographic available as part of a buy is always being reiterated. Swirl followed this site launch with a large online advertising campaign.

Red Herring Media Site
Created for Swirl

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